4 Dec 2023
Today (12/4) is the day for the "ESG+ Pledage Scheme Certificate Ceremony 2023" organized by the CMA. We are honoured to have received the "ESG+ Charter" certificate, which signifies that Hong Kong Labware has committed to the "ESG+ Pledage Scheme", dedicated to achieving sustainable development in the environment, society, and corporate governance.
During 2023, we have incorporated ESG concepts into our products and services and introduced the three key elements of "ESP" for Innovative Smart Laboratories, including Environmental Sustainability (E), Safety (S), and Productivity (P). In addition to our internal policies, we consider sustainability in our sales of instrument products and laboratory construction projects, enabling us to work with our customers to practice ESG and promote sustainable development in Hong Kong.

For more information about our "Innovative Smart Laboratory" solutions, please visit:
If you would like to learn more about the direction and solutions for sustainable laboratory development, please get in touch with us.
今天(4/12)是廠商會主辦的「ESG+約章證書頒發典禮2023」的重要日子。我們很榮幸地獲得了「ESG+約章」證書,這代表著Hong Kong Labware已經簽署並承諾參與「ESG+約章」行動,致力於在環境、社會和公司治理各方面實現可持續發展。
#HKLabware #HKL #LabwareGroup #ESG #ESP #InnovativeSmartLaboratory #創新智慧實驗室