J-1100 Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer
Product Advantages
Double-prism polarizing monochromator
Low stray light
Integrated Hg lamp for validation
High efficiency nitrogen purge with internal optimization
Accessory auto-recognition as standard
Software suite for SSE analysis
Product Details
The J-1100 is a general purpose, space-saving Circular Dichroism spectrophotometer. It perfectly suited teaching and QA/QC applications. The J-1100 uses simple optimized parameters so that a wide range of users with different levels of CD knowledge can successfully obtain high quality data. The wavelength range from 180 to 600 nm is suitable for obtaining secondary and tertiary structure measurements in the near- and far-UV.
When fitted with thermostatted cell holder, the J-1100 can be used for measurement of CD, LD and absorbance as a function of wavelength, temperature and time.
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