Torion T-9 Portable GC/MS Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectromete
Product Advantages
Mass range (41-500 amu)
Ready for use in <5min from “cold start”
Rapid ramp delivers analysis times of under 3 min
Very low power consumption
Easy to operate with color touch screen display
Product Details
Torion T-9 GC/MS is designed to carry in the field and ready for sample analysis in under 5 mins from a “cold start”. It is ideal for rapid screening of chemicals e.g. environmental volatiles and semivolatiles (VOCs/SVOCs), explosives, chemical threat, and hazardous substance. Torion technology integrates a high speed low thermal mass (LTM) GC with a miniaturized toroidal iontrap mass spectrometer to provide a fast and reliable GC/MS. Rapid temperature programming delivers analysis times of under 3 mins.
With an on-board color touch screen, the user interface directs the operator through sample introduction and analysis. On-board library automated target compound deconvolution and identification.
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Intro video: