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Eco IC

Eco IC

Product Advantages

  • Straightforward analysis of anions, cations and polar substances

  • Smart system monitoring to safeguard robust operation

  • Software in 16 languages

  • Small footprint to save lab space



Product Details

Product overview: 

The Eco IC is the entry into ion chromatography at a very affordable price. System robustness, reproducibility of results,
and ease of use are available in the Eco IC. Eco IC is the perfect choice for routine water analysis and teaching ion chromatography in higher education. 


If throughput matters, you may opt for the Eco IC Package.
This turnkey solution combines the Eco IC with an 863 Compact IC Autosampler including rack, vails, and caps.
With this setup, you can analyze a maximum of 36 samples completely unattended.


For more information, please visit

Intro video:




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