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Frontier FT-IR Spectrometer

Frontier FT-IR Spectrometer

Product advantages:

- Standard gold optics
- LCD display, go button and Sample Table functionality speeds multiple sample analysis
- Built-in intelligence alerting user to potential analysis errors
- Wide range of sampling accessories



Product Details

The PerkinElmer Frontier systems come with automated range changing capability, mid-near- or far-IR techniques are available at your fingertips. An exceptional signal-to-noise ratio and photometric performance assures optimal spectral performance to ensure best-in-class sensitivity.
Unique instrument wavelength and line shape standardization using gas phase absorption lines delivers superior accuracy and reproducibility.
Upgradable optical system allows upgrades to IR microscopy and imaging, identification of tiny impurities in virtually any matrix is now possible. Frontier is also configurable for hyphenated techniques such as TG-IR.

 For more information, please visit
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