J-1500 Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer
Product Advantages
- Wavelength range: 163 to 1600nm (option)
- High signal-to-noise ratio
- Integrated Hg lamp for validation
- 3 Scanning modes: auto, step and continuous
- Simultaneous Multi-Probe (SMP): CD, LD, fluorescence, absorbance
- Software suite for SSE analysis
Product Details
The J-1500 Circular Dichroism spectrophotometer is designed to meet complex research demands. High sensitivity combined with a 10,000 nm-per-minute maximum scan speed allows the J-1500 to measure samples quickly. An additional benefit is the minimal time exposure of biological samples to the high-energy UV light, minimizing the risk of sample degradation.
The latest quad-channel amplifier provides simultaneous acquisition of up to 4 data channels including CD, absorbance, linear dichroism (LD), fluorescence, fluorescence-detected CD (FDCD), fluorescence-detected LD (FDLD) and fluorescence anisotropy.
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