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Tuttnauer ELV WR - D Line Vertical Autoclaves
  • Tuttnauer ELV WR - D Line Vertical Autoclaves

    Product Advantages

    Biohazard and Waste sterilization

    Agar preparation

    Specialized customized cycles

    Liquid sterilization with various cooling options

    Pipette and Glass sterilization

    Instrument sterilization (wrapped or unwrapped)



      Product Details


      Tuttnauer vertical laboratory autoclaves are top loading autoclaves available in chamber sizes between 31 to 160 liters. ELV models have an advanced microprocessor control panel and chamber made of 316L or 316Ti stainless steel.

      Tuttnauer laboratory autoclaves have been designed to provide high quality repeatable performance and accountability for a wide range of applications used in modern laboratories.

      Each model has a number of optional added-value features which can be configured for fast cooling, efficient drying, biohazard and waste sterilization, Fo control, and more.

      Vertical lab autoclaves are designed for your convenience and ease of use when vertically loading the autoclave.


      Vertical D-Line Models - Technical Data 

      Chamber DimensionsØxD (mm)Chamber Volume(Liter)External DimensionsWxHxD (mm)
      5075 ELV 500 x 750160870 x 1090 x 770
      5050 ELV 500 x 500110870 x 860 x 770
      3870 ELV  380 x 69085730 x 1000 x 540
      3850 ELV 380 x 50065730 x 1000 x 540
      3840 ELV 380 x 40052730 x 1000 x 540
      2840 ELV280 x 46031540 x 980 x 440

      * External dimensions may change when an optional internal steam generator is added.



      Safety for personnel, autoclave and load are priority in the design, construction and operation of any Tuttnauer autoclave. Tuttnauer is committed to the highest industry safety standards and directives to ensure safety not only for your employees operating the autoclaves but also for your laboratory and the loads being sterilized.

      • A safety device prevents the operator from opening the door when the chamber is pressurized

      • Steam will not enter the chamber when the door is open

      • A cycle cannot start if the door is open or not properly locked

      • The door cannot unlock until liquid temperature reaches the predetermined end temperature

      • Two independent flexible PT100 temperature sensors to prevent over-boiling of liquids and explosions of bottles



      Vertical stainless steel wire baskets and containers in different sizes for all autoclave models.

      For more information, please visit

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