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940 Professional IC Vario

940 Professional IC Vario

Product Advantages

  • Unlimited possibilities for system configuration

  • Highest sensitivity for lowest detection limits

  • All gradient options

  • Free choice of suppressor and column

  • Compatible with unique Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation techniques (MISP)



Product Details

Product overview: 

Entirely modular by design, the new 940 Professional IC Vario meets your particular requirements while keeping you perfectly flexible.
Based on one and the same system, you can configure any IC system you want or need – just like a modular kit.


Because the system is self-monitoring, operator errors are virtually ruled out. You can absolutely reply on your measuring results.
Moreover, all results can be traced back to every single step of the analysis and even sample preparation.
Thus, even the strictest audits are no reason to worry any more.


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