J-1700 Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer
Product Advantages
High S/N performance throughout UV/Vis/NIR range, up to 2500nm
Integrated Hg lamp for validation
3 Scanning modes: auto, step and continuous
Simultaneous Multi-Probe (SMP): CD, LD, fluorescence, absorbance
Software suite for SSE analysis
Product Details
The J-1700 Circular Dichroism spectrophotometer is specifically designed for more demanding near-infrared CD applications. In addition to the enhanced far-UV capabilities, researchers probing the chiral activity of molecules in the NIR region now have the ability to obtain data at wavelengths up to 2500nm. The automatic detector interchange allows researchers to obtain both far-UV and NIR measurements without having to manually switch detectors.
The latest quad-channel amplifier provides simultaneous acquisition of up to 4 data channels including CD, absorbance, linear dichroism (LD), fluorescence, fluorescence-detected CD (FDCD), fluorescence-detected LD (FDLD) and fluorescence anisotropy.
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