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nano partica SZ-100

nano partica SZ-100

Product Advantages

  • Particle size measurement range: 0.3 nm to 8um
  • Zeta potential measurement principle: Laser Doppler electrophoresis
  •  Multiple measurement modes for working with small particles and weak scatters
  •  Small volume cells for both particle size and zeta potential


Product Details

Nano partica SZ-100 is a single device analyzing the 3 parameters that characterize nanoparticles: particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight. HORIBA uses a green laser that gives more scattering intensity to facilitate accurate and rapid size evaluation. The three angle system of the SZ-100 enables analysis of a wide range of high concentration and dilute samples.


HORIBA dedicated zeta potential cell eliminates the capillary between the electrodes, making measurement volume free from influence by electro-osmotic flow, hence maximizing instrument sensitivity.


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